
LLA Members


LLA mission

  • To represent and defend the interests of publishers in Lithuania and abroad.
  • To cultivate cultural publishing.
  • To take care of the professional development of the members of the association.
  • To popularize and disseminate Lithuanian literature.
  • To cooperate with the state institutions of Lithuania and the European Union.
  • To encourage reading of cultural and valuable literature.
  • To initiate research.
  • To organize cultural, literary, book art, reading, civic events.
  • To coordinate publishers' participation in national and international book fairs and other international events.

Slemas #56

Literatūrinis renginys
2023-01-24 19:00
V. Putvinskio g. 56-1
Kaunas, Lietuva
Kauno menininkų namai / Kaunas Artists' House
Atsinaujinęs, užsiregistravęs į gymą, prisižadėjęs sausį būt veganu ir rytais sportuot, su lakierkom ir šviežia energija į naujus metus atvaro slemas!
2023-aisiais jis žada:
kelti bangas, taškytis balsėm, priebalsėm ir įžūliom jų kombinacijom,
eilėmis drebinti modernistines KMN sienas ir raityti sovietines gipsatūras,
geisti atvirų ir nekompromisinių temų,
kas mėnesį nekantriai laukti jūsų ant scenos
ir svarbiausia - daug puikios poezijos!
Slemo #56 vedėjų duetas – Jovaras ir Baltazaras
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Dalyvių registracija ir klausimai: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Slemo taisyklės:
1. būtina skaityti savo tekstą,
2. pasirodymas negali viršyti 3 minučių,
3. negalima vilkėti kostiumų, naudoti garso efektų ar kviestis pagalbininkų.
Svarbiau už taisykles:
išraiškingas skaitymas! Jei nuobodžiavo veidrodis, nuobodžiaus ir publika. Išrėk kūrybą Micui, prajuokink balandžius už lango, išmesk špargalkę pavėjui ir tada lipk ant scenos!
Slemo eiga:
vyksta trys raundai. Poetus (-es) vertina komisija, sudaryta iš atsitiktine tvarka atrinktų žiūrovų. Pasirodymai vertinami dešimtbalėje sistemoje. Pirmajame raunde pasirodo visi (-os), antrajame ir trečiajame – daugiausia balų surinkę dalyviai (-ės).
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Renginys yra KMN Literatūros edukacijos programos „Trenksmas“
dalis, finansuojamas Lietuvos kultūros tarybos.
Renewed, registered at the gym, vowed to exercise in the mornings and eat vegan in January Slam opens the new year with shiny new shoes and fresh energy!
In 2023, he promises:
make waves, splash vowels, consonants and their bold combinations,
shake the modernist walls and twist the Soviet plasterboards,
crave frank and uncompromising topics,
look forward to seeing you on stage every month
and most importantly - lots of great poetry!
The host duo of Slam #56 is Jovaras and Baltazaras.
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Registration for participation and questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Poetry slam event happens every month in Kaunas Artists House, there are only three rules:
1. poems must be original work of the performer,
2. the performance can't be longer than 3 minutes,
3. poets cannot sing or use musical instruments or props.
The process:
there are three rounds. The poets are judged by a 5 judges randomly selected from the audience. Performances are evaluated in a ten-point system. In the first round, all participants appear, in the second and third - the participants with the highest score.
The event will be held in Lithuanian, but poets are welcome to perform in any language.
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The event is a part of literature education program "Trenksmas" and is financed by Lithuanian Council for Culture.