About LLA - Board Members

About LLA - Board Members

The supreme body of the LPA is the General Meeting of all members. It is convened at least once a year. The General Electoral Meeting is convened once in three years. Every member which holds a voting right has a deciding vote as well. The membership of the LPA includes 56 members operating in the publishing sector. It equals about 1/3 of all active Publishing houses that produce about 80% of all books published in the country.

In between of the General Meetings, the activities of the LPA are managed by the Members Board. It is directly accountable to the General Meeting.

The President is elected by the secret voting of the Board. S/He represents the whole Association and the Board, organises the activities of the Board, convenes the General Meetings and has a right to dispose of the LPA’s working funds. The President is allowed to authorize one of the Board members to act for him for a temporary period.

Association Board Members (from 2024):


  • Dovilė Zaidė (publishing house Alma littera)


  • Ūla Ambrasaitė (publishing house Lapas)
  • Arūnas Gudinavičius (publishing house Vilniaus universiteto leidykla)
  • Danguolė Kandrotienė (publishing house Terra Publica)
  • Artūras Karosas (publishing house BALTO)
  • Lolita Varanavičienė (publishing house Tyto alba)
  • Inga Vilimė (publishing house Audioteka.lt)