Alma littera
Ph.: (370) 686 52921
Ulonų g. 2
LT-08245 Vilnius
Dovilė Zaidė
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Founded in 1990, Alma Littera is one of Lithuania’s main publishing houses, specialising in fiction, non-fiction, reference books, textbooks, and other publications for all age groups. Alma Littera ir a bridge connecting different people and ideas, a place where magical stories and powerful friendships are born. It is a publishing and content house that listens to the needs of readers and creators, looks for the new forms of content, strives for every reader to find his book and searching for quality of the content that creates a more meaningful world.
Ph.: (370) 616 26590
M. Marcinkevičiaus g. 11
LT-08433 Vilnius
Tamara Tichonova
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Aktėja Publishing offers a wide range of books for children and adults. Among the publisher's releases are numerous cookbooks, helpful advice books, various encyclopedias, fairy tales, and coloring books.
Ph.: (370) 687 34546
Kalvarijų g. 294B-5
LT-08318 Vilnius
Giedrė Kadžiulytė
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Founded in 2003, Apostrofa is a small independent publishing house, which publishes fiction and non-fiction by Lithuanian and foreign authors (translations from English, German, Icelandic, Polish, Estonian, Swedish, French, Czech). Apostrofa’s list of published titles includes books of the highest quality, which have been awarded prestigious prizes in Lithuania for their content and design.
Ph.: (370) 691 78777
Vokiečių g. 4-2
LT-01130 Vilnius
Vaida Ragėnaitė
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Artseria was founded in 2003 as the publishing house of the Artists’ Association. It publishes a art review of the Lithuanian Artists Association, art books, the series “Contemporary Lithuanian Artists” and “Lithuanian Art at the Turn of the 20th and 21st centuries”, monographs, catalogues. Published books consistently win awards and diplomas in Lithuania’s annual competition for the best-designed book of the year.
Ph.: (370) 650 98066
Basanavičiaus g. 7
LT-01118 Vilnius
Aurimas Mikalauskas
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Audioteka entered publishing business in early 2013. We are the first producer, publisher and distributor of Lithuanian audiobooks. Starting from personal development and business audiobooks, we now record and produce in our in-house studios, publish and distribute a broad spectrum of non-fiction and fiction literature for adults and children.
Aukso žuvys
Ph.: (370) 616 08460
Didžioji g. 34
LT-01128 Vilnius
Sigita Pūkienė
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The publishing house Aukso žuvys founded in 2011 promotes Lithuanian history and culture and looks for new ways to present noteworthy events, phenomena or personalities to the public. In 2024, Aukso žuvys was recognized as the Lithuanian Publishing House of the Year.
BALTO leidybos namai
Ph.: (370) 652 60594
Utenos g. 41B
LT-08217 Vilnius
Artūras Karosas
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BALTO is a young publishing house, established in 2018, that is focused on adult readers and publishes both fiction (thriller, crime, suspense, historical fiction, women’s fiction, literary fiction) and non-fiction (memoirs, health, history) books of Lithuanian and non-Lithuanian authors. We publish around 60 new titles per year. One of BALTO’s main goals is to present as many different authors from all around the world for Lithuanian readers as possible. Another goal is to maintain the highest quality of translation, therefore translations are made directly from the language of origin. Also, BALTO closely collaborates with BALTO printing house to achieve the highest quality in each book’s appearance and to find the most attractive solutions for every book’s design, so it would double the pleasure of reading.
Baltos lankos
Ph.: (370 5) 240 7906
A. Jakšto g. 7
LT-01105 Vilnius
Kotryna Žukaitė
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Baltos lankos was established in 1992, with the intention of publishing quality literature. The range of our publications is very wide: new books by Lithuanian authors, translations of quality foreign literature, popular works of fiction, crime fiction, monographs, books for children, and academic writing.
UAB „Baltos lankos Klett“
Ph.: (370 5) 208 0358
Gedimino pr. 28
LT-01104 Vilnius
Natalija Jonušienė
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„Baltų lankų“ vadovėliai was established as a seprate department of the well-known publishing house Baltos lankos. They mainly present educational literature – textbooks ant other learning material.
Ph.: (370) 112 3767
Algimanto Petro Kavoliuko g. 26-31
LT-04329 Vilnius
Dominykas Norkūnas
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„Baziliskas“ is a publishing house dedicated to presenting outstanding foreign and Lithuanian poetry, the most interesting authors and translators.
Ph.: (370) 636 59489
Trakų g. 8-3
Kaunas, Lietuva
Rugilė Ridzevičiūtė
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Start meaningful dialogues with yourself, with others, and with society - about books and because of the books we publish.
Bonus Animus
Ph.: (370 5) 2339196
M. K. Čiurlionio g. 1-30
LT-03104 Vilnius
Violeta Misiūnienė
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Education and Publishing House BONUS ANIMUS was founded 2006 in Vilnius. We pride ourselves in popularizing fantasy genre by introducing the works of some of the greatest authors to Lithuanian readers (Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Garth Nix, Orson Scott Card and ect.). Our main fields of activity are publishing original and translated fiction books for adults and children, non-fiction, literary and cultural heritage and scientific books mainly focused on history and mass communication.
Debesų ganyklos
Ph.: (370 37) 328 820
Jaunimo a. 2
LT-50117 Kaunas
Danguolė Kandrotienė
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Debesų ganyklos is a publishing house with a fresh and innovative approach to children’s literature. We try to publish books for children that are easy to read, understand and enjoy. This is why we often involve our readers in the most creative parts of the publishing process.
Ph.: (370) 653 98986
Architektų g. 184-3
LT-04206 Vilnius
Remigijus Martinavičius
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Didakta is a publishing house focusing on pedagogical literature, covering a wide range of educational subjects. The publishing house offers textbooks, exercise books, methodological publications for teachers and other visual material for classroom use. These tools should interest teachers and enrich the organization of the teaching process. "Didakta” also publishes educational and travel literature for the general public.
Dominicus Lituanus
Ph.: (370) 687 62040
Nugalėtojų g. 3d-2
LT-10105 Vilnius
Ramunė Landsbergienė
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The main goal of Dominicus Lituanus is to publish high-quality fairy tales and fiction for children and teenagers. The books published by Dominicus Lituanus promote an inquiring spirit and humane values, they address the psychological and spiritual problems of teenagers, parents and children, and promote civil and ecological education. These ideas are presented playfully and creatively, and didacticism is avoided.
Ph.: (370 5) 273 3955
Žalgirio g. 88
LT-09303 Vilnius
Saulius Petrulis
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Eugrimas is a publishing company from Lithuania with a focus on non-fiction: business, creative thinking, psychology, self-help, etc. Over our 20 years in the publishing business, we have successfully acquired copyright from the world’s largest publishers, and participated in numerous international projects.
Ph.: (370 37) 224 489
M. Daukšos g. 30
LT-44282 Kaunas
Sikstas Ridzevičius
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Original magazines and early learning, comics, story and activity, colouring and stickers books for children. Illustration and packaging, rights
Ph.: (370) 68 632 816
Mileišiškių sodų g. 50
LT-10211 Vilnius
Vida Bėkštienė
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It is a small publishing house founded in 2014. Publishes fiction and non-fiction for children, teenagers and adults. It is aimed that the content of the books corresponds to the name of the publishing house. "Gelmės" means deepness, profoundness.
Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania
Ph.: (370 5) 279 1038
Didžioji g. 17
LT-01128 Vilnius
General Manager
Arūnas Bubnys
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Purposefully and consistently publishes and distributes scientific, journalistic and fiction literature on the topic of the genocide of the Lithuanian population and resistance to the occupation regimes.
Homo liber
Ph.: (370) 650 23184
J. Baltrušaičio g. 11-126
LT-06145 Vilnius
Vilius Gužauskis
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Our main activity is publishing fiction by Lithuanian and foreign authors, academic books on the humanities, and illustrated children books. Much attention is paid to the historical theme in the literary heritage. Original and novel publishing projects are among our main priorities.
Ph.: (370) 656 20282
Vitebsko g. 21
LT-11350 Vilnius
Viktoras Bachmetjevas
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Independent publisher, specializing in humanities and translated fiction with intellectual bent. It publishes both contemporary authors, and the classics.
Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore
Ph.: (370 5) 212 5332
Antakalnio g. 6
LT-10308 Vilnius
Head of Publishing Department
Gytis Vaškelis
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It's a state-run research institute, implementing long-term investigations into Lithuanian literature, folklore and the literary heritage of old Lithuania. The Institute publishes books, periodicals and research publications. It also publishes e-books and creates databases. Its publishing specialisations are the following: encyclopedias, academic papers, serial publications, monographs, written sources on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, folklore and modern literature, research publications, and research. These publications are aimed at the academic world and the general public.
Ph.: (370 5) 279 0859
Tilto g. 17-Radvilų g. 4
LT-01101 Vilnius
Remigijus Jokubauskas
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Justitia is a publishing house specialising in legal literature. We publish textbooks, monographs, educational tools, commentaries on codes, and legal periodicals intended for current and future lawyers. Our authors are the most famous Lithuanian legal scholars and practitioners, who create Lithuanian legal doctrine, and open the way to the cognition of the world of legal science and practice. Our readers include judges, lawyers, government officials, corporate lawyers and students of law.
Katalikų pasaulio leidiniai
Ph.: (370 5) 212 2422
Pylimo g. 27/4
LT-01309 Vilnius
Birutė Bartasūnaitė
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The publishing house Katalikų pasaulio leidiniai is one of the main publishers of religious, philosophical, psychological, catechetical and other literature in Lithuania. We also bring out textbooks for religious education in schools, and the annual publications “Catholic Directory” and “Liturgical Calendar”.
Kitos knygos
Ph.: (370 5) 251 4200
A. Vivulskio g. 10a-10
LT-03221 Vilnius
Gediminas Baranauskas
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An independent Lithuanian publisher publishing quality, award-winning books of contemporary and classic literature, poetry, culture, fiction and non-fiction, philosophy and psychology. We see our mission as the publishing of eye-opening, controversial books that provoke intellectual and public discussion.
Ph.: (370) 612 25481
K. Kalinausko g. 10–3
LT-02100 Vilnius
Ūla Ambrasaitė
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LAPAS Publishing House was founded in 2014 with a focus on architecture books. Today, we pay a lot of attention to the wider field of academic literature, its actualization, and creative research. In this catalogue, you will find authentic fiction, insightful essays and relevant humanities, experimental art albums, and a collection of books on architecture. LAPAS is the leading publishing house in architecture, based in Vilnius, Lithuania. It publishes seminal architectural texts by Lithuanian and foreign authors. LAPAS catalogue offers titles in the humanities, anthropology, feminism, and design as well as art albums, essays, and fiction in both Lithuanian and English. In 2022 LAPAS was selected as the publisher of the year.
Lithuanian National Museum
Ph.: (370 5) 262 7774
Arsenalo g. 1
LT-01100 Vilnius
Rūta Kačkutė
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The National Museum of Lithuania has the country’s most important museum collection about Lithuania’s historical heritage. Its publishing activity is closely related to the research and promotion of its collection. The most important part is the publication of scholarly and informational material related to the collection, exhibition catalogues and illustrated books, and research material in the series “The Library of the National Museum of Lithuania”, “The History of Lithuanian Photography” and “From the Archives of the National Museum of Lithuania”.
Lithuanian National Museum of Art
Ph.: (370 5) 262 80 30
Didžioji g. 4
LT-01128, Vilnius
Arūnas Gelūnas
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The Lithuanian National Museum of Art protects the cultural heritage and aspires to introduce wide audiences to its importance while creating a positive impact on people's lives. The Museum opens up its exhibits for audiences in permanent displays, exhibitions in Lithuania and overseas and award-winning publications. The list of Museum publications encompasses collection albums, exhibition catalogues and guides, scholarly studies, series of papers, memoirs, and educational publications.
Lithuanian Writers Union Publishers
Ph.: (370 5) 262 8945
K. Sirvydo g. 6
LT-01101 Vilnius
Giedrė Šorienė
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The Lithuanian Writers’ Union Publishers focus on new books by Lithuanian authors, including prose, poetry, essays and critical studies, books from the literary canon and books by exiled authors, as well as translations of quality foreign literature. The output of our publishing house is characterised by strict selection, and high-quality printing and design.
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania
Ph.: (370 5) 245 8526
Gedimino pr. 51
LT-01504 Vilnius
Head of Publishing Division
Arturas Mickevičius
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Lithuania’s main library prepares and publishes national and retrospective bibliography, informational and methodological publications, collections of research articles, professional periodicals, and other publications.
Misteris Pinkmanas
Ph.: (370) 6992 6167
Šarkuvos g. 15-40
LT-48156 Kaunas
Lina Itagaki
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"Misteris Pinkmanas" is a small children's books publishing house created by an illustrator and writer.
Our aim is to create distinctive high quality books with professional texts, original illustrations, good design and quality printing.
Ph.: (370) 620 292 43
M. Marcinkevičiaus g. 118-1
LT-08412 Vilnius
Publishing Manager
Indrė Šeputienė
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"Muzikija" is a small publishing company since 2006. We create original as well translating and publishing educational books for children mostly about music. Playfully presented cultural layers help to grow an educated, charming, smart, intellectual personality. "Muzikija" stands for the presentation of professional art to young readers, so every our book provides knowledge of music, literature, theater or art history. "Muzikija" is inspired by art and approved by children.
Naujasis Židinys-Aidai
Ph.: (370) 6434 7069
Pilies g. 8
LT-01403 Vilnius
Mantas Tamošaitis
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The publishing house was founded on the basis of the cultural magazine Naujasis Židinys-Aidai, which has been in publication since 1991. It publishes books on history, cultural history, philosophy, as well as classical and fiction literature.
Nothing Serious
Ph.: (370) 614 45479
Dūmų g. 3a
LT-01119 Vilnius
Arvydas Vereckis
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The wittily named Nieko rimto (Nothing serious) has been encouraging people of all ages to smile since 2001. Today, Nieko rimto is not only a book publisher. The smiling cow of the company’s logo also appears on CDs, postcards, badges, mugs, and many other charming items.
Ph.: (370 6) 504 3226
J. Savickio g. 4-7
LT-01108 Vilnius
Nijolė Kuolienė
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Odile is an independent publishing house based in Vilnius, Lithuania, dedicated to publishing high quality creative and innovative fiction and non-fiction for readers ranging from preschoolers to adults.
Phi books
Ph.: (370 6) 852 3533
Švitrigailos g. 11K-109
LT-03228 Vilnius
Tomas Šinkūnas
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Small publisher specializing in philosophical books.
Ph.: (370 5) 262 3182
L. Asanavičiūtės g. 13A
LT-04300 Vilnius
Violeta Bilaišytė
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The publishing house Presvika was established in 1996. Since then, it has brought out a large number of books, both by Lithuanian authors and translations. We focus on educational, psychological and cognitive children’s literature, although we publish attractive books of children’s fiction as well.
Ph.: (370 6) 387 5297
Saulės g. 18-10
LT-10310 Vilnius
Benas Arvydas Grigas
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RARA is a small publishing house, founded in 2019, specialising in ambitious, unconventional and innovative classic and contemporary fiction in translation.
Scientia Socialis
Ph.: (370) 687 95668
K. Donelaičio g. 29
LT-78115 Šiauliai
Vincentas Lamanauskas
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Scientia Socialis Ltd. publishes international social science magazines and books. Publishing houses specialise in academic periodicals and non-periodicals.
Ph.: (370) 670 12473
Antakalnio g. 64 – 9
LT-10300 Vilnius
Juozas Žitkauskas
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SLINKTYS - (legal entity name - asociation „Slinktys”) was founded in 2015.
Publishes fiction, poetry, prose, documentary books, children and teenage literature of Lithuanian and foreign authors. The priority of the publishing house is to create the entirety of the book to be a complete work of art. SLINKTYS actively organizes published book presentation events, holds the anual young artist festival „Literatūrinės slinktys” during witch a set of five separate books with the works of five different poets and artists is published.
Super namai
Ph.: (370) 670 26670
Lazdynų g. 21
Darius Jokubauskas
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Since 2009 "Supernamai" publishes a specialized housing magazine “Supernamai”, and since 2016 construction training books. Books are translated into several foreign languages and are currently distributed in 8 European countries.
Terra Publica
Ph.: (8 37) 328 820
Jaunimo a. 2
LT-50117 Kaunas
Danguolė Kandrotienė
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Terra Publica’s motto is “Books for and about Lithuania!” The company publishes books written and illustrated by Lithuanian authors that are interesting both to Lithuanians and to tourists from abroad. Thanks to the great attention paid to tourism in Lithuania, it has already been named the most nationally oriented publishing house.
Tikra knyga
Ph.: (370) 686 59575
Arklių g. 22
LT-08112 Vilnius
Jaunius Lingys
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TIKRA KNYGA is one of the most awarded publishing houses in the Lithuanian book market. We specialise in children's picture books. We work only with young Lithuanian authors and illustrators to create contemporary children's books. Our aim is to create high quality books, both in content, illustrations and print quality. We are a publishing house with 80% of our books rights sold to foreign publishers. Our books are read in 45 countries around the world.
Trys nykštukai
Ph.: (370) 687 71088
M. Marcinkevičiaus g. 11
LT-08433 Vilnius
Liubov Švec
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The publishing house "Trys nykštukai" began its operations in 1995. The publisher's range consists of various books for children and adolescents: from educational books and picture books for the youngest ones to encyclopedias for the curious.
Tyto Alba
Ph.: (370 5) 249 7598
Kęstučio g. 4/14
LT-08117 Vilnius
Lolita Varanavičienė
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Founded in 1993, today Tyto alba is one of the leading publishing houses in Lithuania. We work with a wide variety of genres, trying to ensure that every reader finds something of interest. We specialize in classic and contemporary fiction and non-fiction books on history, psychology, and art. We also publish poetry and children’s literature.
Ph.: (370 5) 249 8121
Gedimino pr. 50
LT-01110 Vilnius
Vytas V. Petrošius
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VAGA is the oldest publishing house in Lithuania, continuing the best traditions of recent years. We publish quality classic literature, we launch prize-winning authors of modern fiction, and we continue to expand our series of psychological, popular science, and other non-fiction books.
Ph.: +370 612 70972
Draugystės g. 19
LT-51230 Kaunas
Vaidotas Gadliauskas
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The publishing house Vaiga started its activities in 1991. We specialise in books for children and teenagers: activity books, fairy tales, fiction, educational literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc. We cooperate with local and foreign authors via copyright agencies in the UK, France, Germany and other countries.
Verslas ar Menas
Ph.: +370 698 11443
A. Vienuolio g. 8-408 kab.
LT-01104 Vilnius
Eglė Jokužytė
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Verslas ar Menas publishes books adapted for the sighted and blind people. The publishing house uses innovative solutions of design and technology while printing books for the sighted and in Braille with illustrations perceived not only by sight but also by touch. These books develop social values of sighted children and their attitude towards people with disabilities as well as enable blind and visually impaired children to feel like they are equal to sighted readers.
Vilnius Academy of Arts Press
Ph.: (370 5) 279 1015
Dominikonų g. 15
LT-01131 Vilnius
Marius Iršėnas
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Established in 1993, the Vilnius Academy of Art Press publishes monographs, studies and articles in the field of art history and theory. Since its inception, the publishing house has brought out the scholarly journal Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis. Dedicated to both the cultural heritage and contemporary art phenomena, the art books, catalogues and reference books published by the press play a significant role in the analysis of Lithuanian art.
Vilnius Graphic Art Centre
Ph.: (370 5) 261 1995
Latako g. 3
LT-01125 Vilnius
Jurga Minčinauskienė
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VGMC represents the field of graphic arts, carrying out exhibition, international cooperation, educational, and publishing activities. The center's publishing activities encompass the Lithuanian cultural field from the mid-20th century to the early 21st century. These include art albums and monographs prepared and published based on art research, as well as exhibition catalogues that contextually complement the exhibitions.
Vilnius University Press
Ph.: (370 5) 268 7148
Universiteto g. 1
LT-01131 Vilnius
Arūnas Gudinavičius
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Following the traditions of academic publishing since the year 1575, Vilnius University Press specialises in academic books and journals, traditional and digital publishing, and market research in publishing. Annually it publishes more than 60 titles of books (research monographs, textbooks, books popularising science, etc.) and 40 volumes of scholarly journals. Vilnius University Press is a leader among academic publishers in Lithuania and the Baltic States, also one of the largest academic publishers in Central Europe.
Virtuvės knyga
Ph.: (8 37) 328 820
Jaunimo a. 2
LT-50117 Kaunas
Danguolė Kandrotienė
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Virtuvės knyga publishes everything that could be interesting for those who love cooking: books about diet, eating habits and traditions; practical tips how to cook; traditional and modern recipes.
Žalias kalnas
Ph.: (370) 682 13538
Širvintų g. 56
LT-44140 Kaunas
Daiva Čepauskaitė
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A small publishing house that publishes books for children. In the books of "Žalias kalnas ("Green Hill")" – high-quality poetry, prose works and fun cognitive texts by Lithuanian and foreign authors, illustrated with original works of artists. Books that remember, nurture and last.
700 lines
Ph.: (370) 620 53483
J. Lelevelio g. 4-503
LT-01102 Vilnius
Ingrida Gečienė-Janulionė
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"700 Lines" publishing brand is the realized dream of two friends to publish books that bring the joy of discovery and reading to children, just like we once were.