About us

The Lithuanian Publishers Association

About us

LLA Members


LLA mission

  • To represent and defend the interests of publishers in Lithuania and abroad.
  • To cultivate cultural publishing.
  • To take care of the professional development of the members of the association.
  • To popularize and disseminate Lithuanian literature.
  • To cooperate with the state institutions of Lithuania and the European Union.
  • To encourage reading of cultural and valuable literature.
  • To initiate research.
  • To organize cultural, literary, book art, reading, civic events.
  • To coordinate publishers' participation in national and international book fairs and other international events.

Poezijos pavakarys vaikams „O jautė juk širdis…“ poetui Sigitui Poškui atminti Raudonstogėje, Grigiškių bibliotekos kieme

LLA Renginiai
2022-05-26 16:00
Kovo 11-osios g. 28, Grigiškės

Daugiau informacijos: www.rasytojai.lt ir Facebook paskyrose: Poezijos pavasaris, Rašytojų klubas