
LLA Members


LLA mission

  • To represent and defend the interests of publishers in Lithuania and abroad.
  • To cultivate cultural publishing.
  • To take care of the professional development of the members of the association.
  • To popularize and disseminate Lithuanian literature.
  • To cooperate with the state institutions of Lithuania and the European Union.
  • To encourage reading of cultural and valuable literature.
  • To initiate research.
  • To organize cultural, literary, book art, reading, civic events.
  • To coordinate publishers' participation in national and international book fairs and other international events.

Vitalijos Maksvytės motyvacinė pamoka Apie skaitymą

Literatūrinis renginys
2023-06-05 11:00
Šv. Jono 11-16
Vilnius, Lietuva
Vilnius, Unesco literatūros miestas

Birželio 5 d. 11 val. ir 6 d. 10; 11 valVitalijos Maksvytės motyvacinė pamoka Apie skaitymą 3-5 klasių moksleiviams.
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